Trauma is not your identity

Bethany Michelle
3 min readJul 29, 2021

I sit in gratitude considering growth and depth I feel having released many traumas held in my body. I build connections and deep awareness within my body. I am so grateful for the energy to proceed forward, develop, write, create and take action on these steps to support the community. I am so grateful for the time to rest, heal, prepare, process and be mindfully aware in a state of rest.

I fully enjoy this time to create, develop, support and plan. Preparing the groundwork to support others. Preparing the groundwork in a trauma informed and holistic way. Preparing the steps and program action steps to support those in these options to support others with trauma processing and sensory sensitivities.

I recently watched “The Wisdom of Trauma” and donated to this cause. Some highlights from the movie that really resonated with me were quotes of trauma allowing for “Enormous potential for transcendence. Our jobs as humans is to learn from our suffering. Working through trauma can teach us so much wisdom and can reveal the beauty of our existence, because of trauma we had lost sight of.”

Gabor Mate states “Trauma is not the bad things that happen to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.”

I have felt so many changes in my body, heart and soul from the abuse I experienced. I notice shifts in my body to this date. I follow this holistic healing path through in depth trauma work, somatic experiencing, breath work, yoga, counseling, tapping and identifying my supportive sensory tools. I’ve recently added reiki and float spa experiences back into my repertoire.

Feeling the depth of my true purpose with the insights I have received. I am meant to take this eagle vision and offer these programs to support others at a larger scale. Curating this system to support the nervous system through increased awareness of emotions and interoception. The power of continuation. I seek a feeling of empowerment. Through sensory empowerment I can regain control and be mindful and aware. I am aware of my the sensations in my body and aware of my heart rate and breath rate. Labeling the emotion, accepting it and showing love and gratitude for myself.

I want to help you feel empowered through your senses, so that you can regain control in the moment and in your life.

I want you to have meaningful and holistic tools for calming, so that you can you can you spend less time supporting your ability to regulate.

I want you to feel empowered and find strategies that speak to your soul, so that you feel that you are thriving.

This is going to help you feel empowered through your senses. Bringing full awareness. You will discover your sensory awareness toolset and what your body sensations are communicating to you.

Stay tuned for the launch of my new program: The PASE Method.

How To Jumpstart Your Mindful Awareness and Self-regulation Through Sensory Empowerment.





Helping you slow your “Pase”

With gratitude,

Bethany Michelle



Bethany Michelle

Minimalism. Debt free journey to FIRE. Trauma healing through holistic tools. On The Frugal and Free Path.