Supporting the Pause: Mindfulness in Nature

Bethany Michelle
1 min readFeb 3, 2024

If you’re feeling overstimulated by the senses, stop and come back to the present moment.

Squeeze your hands. Squeeze your toes and notice the powerful sensation that becomes your grounding force.

You can also ground with touch. Feeling the textures while on a walk.

This could be the smooth surface of a stone, the rough bark of a tree, or the softness of a pet’s fur. Run your hand over different surfaces, noticing the sensations and variations in the texture. This powerful tactile experience brings you back to the present moment, to ground in the here and now.

Reflection of trees and water in a glass globe

Mindfulness in nature is a powerful thing. This is one powerful tool that I utilize frequently to reconnect to my body. To ground yourself in the here and now and find comfort in your senses, you might engage in frequent practices of sensory mindfulness. Sensory awareness encourages you to completely immerse yourself in every aspect of your environment, whether it’s by taking in the bright colors of a sunset or basking in the peaceful sounds of nature.

Welcoming moments of wonder, gratitude, and peacefulness into your life.

Through discovering sensory tools, you can enhance your sensory empowerment and strengthen your bond with yourself.

With Gratitude,

-Bethany Michelle



Bethany Michelle

Minimalism. Debt free journey to FIRE. Trauma healing through holistic tools. On The Frugal and Free Path.