Deep Reflections: Another Trip around the Sun ☀️

Deep work and deep reflections after resting, healing, nourishing my body and doing the WORK.

Bethany Michelle
3 min readDec 2, 2022

Prioritizing time resting, prioritizing somatic release activities through yoga, breath work, tapping and energetic release tools. These have created powerful transformative moments with deep trauma healing.

Ease flows through me now. Forgiveness flows through me now. A sense of peace and acceptance of my full story flows through me now. As it has made me who I am today. I recognize that through my own traumatic experiences in the last 3 years, I grow a deeper understanding and compassion for all the humans I support on a daily basis in my role as an Occupational Therapist.

Curiosity and wonder have supported a deeper understanding and desire to learn more and more about the nervous system.

Wonder has been present in my life since a very young child. I am so grateful for this wonder. Curiosity of the natural world, astrology, plants and insects. Sitting for hours watching a trail of ants reform their scent trails. Waking up to listen to the owl conversations in the trees. Watching pods of whales breech and listening with a hydrophone to their intimate whale songs. These moments of wonder are profound. They bring me a sense of deeper connection to the planet and the beautiful beings we share this planet with.

Photo Credit: Jamie Cartales Photography

I sit in wonder of what is to come in this next year. Business adventures. Community support programming. Nature adventures. Travels. Deeper learning. Deeper growth. But above all, LOVE. I love myself deeply and provide myself with grace when I have hard and emotional days.

I sit in wonder of why my path has led me to where I am. Friendship losses, yet even more profound and deeper friendships gained. Loss of a business coach. Loss of many animals. Loss of a relationship. With suffering and loss, brings a reflection of the deep love of what was. And a wonder of what will be.

Wonder brings me hope.

With hope brings focused attention towards my goals as a business owner.

With goal achievement brings confidence.

Sensory Empower, my new business brand, blossoms. I will be opening up Sensory Empower Academy in January. Supporting adults with holistic tools to ground and feel empowered through their senses. Creating a supportive community membership.

In gratitude and in grief, I acknowledge those that have supported me becoming the businesswoman I am today. I am deeply grateful for the lessons learned, the support provided for me during a business transformation and the endless hours of mentoring to get me to where I am today.

So today, on my 35th circle around the sun, I sit in deep gratitude. Feeling all of the feelings. Allowing them all to flow through me. Sitting with a beautiful sense of hope, peace and love.

With deep gratitude,

Bethany Michelle



Bethany Michelle

Minimalism. Debt free journey to FIRE. Trauma healing through holistic tools. On The Frugal and Free Path.